Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Patrones Extra Number 38 - an Overview

Ola!  I used to buy Patrones on a regular basis, even taking out a subscription from their Barcelona headquarters for my monthly fix - emails were fun!

Then, around 2009, in my opinion, the content got a bit iffy and they changed the pattern instruction layout so I didn't bother to renew my subscription and thought I'd just purchase on an ad hoc basis. Tho not available on the high street (except in Spain of course) there are a couple of places on the web where you can get Patrones if you Google around.  Now, joy of joys, Patrones seems to have got its act together again  and on my recent trip to the land of tapas I managed to find no 38, made over to it's old style and containing within its pages the most beautiful patterns.

Feminine delicate frills adorn the first section.  I have to admit to being a real frill fan and am currently working on a floaty georgette top full of frills to be unveiled soon, but more of that later. So this skirt is really cute and looks like an anytime addition to a sunny day wardrobe.  First thoughts are "what's in my fabric stash I can use for this baby?"

Moving swiftly on,  a big grin ensued when I turned the page and found this beaut with nice button detail and, as I'm an 80s kind of girl and I love boat necklines too, this has to be a future make.

Swoon!  This skirt is effortlessly chic and, although I don't have those pins, (actually I have a few hundred pins),  I love the pockets and tie and I thought a little modification in the form of a lace underlining/skirt may save my un- model like legs from overexposure. 

Apologies for the blurriness - maybe it was the excitement at seeing that this gorgeous dress could be mine if I can find the right fabric that set my hands a-tremble.  Just loving the drape on this style.

Finally for this overview,  a quirky little suit with cute back detail that just calls out for some winter type fabric, maybe a nice boucle or something with a close weave so that the seams can take all that sitting/standing/movement.

All this for the princely sum of 4.95 euros - you lucky Spanish seamstresses!
Happy sewing
Linda x


  1. OMG- that last picture is totally adorable! Like a Spanish Vivienne Westwood.

    1. I hadn't thought of that, but that fabric, you're so right.
