Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Indian Summer Clothes

Whilst March is not really the right time to be writing about summer clothes, I thought I'd follow on from my recent post regarding ad hoc sewing machine usage in Panama with another travel related theme.  Now that Polythene Pam has got her legs firmly ensconced under the sewing table I thought it might be good to showcase some more travel related makes,  this time heading East to India.

Varanasi is famous for silks and it's hard, even if you don't have a sewing penchant, to avoid the constant implorings of local salesmen to "come into my shop - you want to buy silk?"  Of course, for me, this was an added bonus to a visit to one of the most interesting cities on earth and I had to take the opportunity to take a few memories of this place home.

Silk Factories line the Ghats
In the end I decided to buy from the hotel where we were staying and purchased various lengths which stayed stored in my stash for some time before picking them out and making them up into their final designs. 

The first was a very simple loose sleeveless top which I picked because I thought a simple pattern wouldn't detract from the beautiful pattern (if you see what I mean) of the fabric.  It's ditzy enough to add some accessories, but has enough colours to wear with other garments, one of my favourite being a turquoise jacket. 

The second silk make was a little more diverse - my first attempt at a bubble dress!  I just love it and it's really multi-functional.  I have worn it in winter with a long sleeved base layer underneath, in spring with leggings and in summer on the beach.  It took me a while to figure out how to sew the "bubble" but once I'd figured out the instructions it seemed easy-peasy.   For reference, the pattern is from Burda September 2011.

Here's the dress unbelted so you can see the "bubble" better - particularly comfortable if you're having an "I'm not feeling slim today" day!  I can't remember if the hem was supposed to be staggered but I like it anyway.

Finally, here's another piccy of Varanasi, this time making friends in the market, with me wearing a homemade floral dress which you can't really see, but it is one of mine.  Long dresses and trousers are handy in India.  I thought the statue was cute and purchased one which now resides in the sewing room.....

Happy sewing

Linda x

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