Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Camouflage with a Twist

On my recent foraging trip to Birmingham I happened across some lovely camouflage fabric in another of my favourite old treasure troves, http://www.ragmarket.com/.  I loved the subtle pink shade in this definitely un-girly pattern and was soon filling a carrier bag with 3 metres worth.

Returning home I remembered a friend had an upcoming birthday and set about making her a present.  Not having measurements, I was lucky - the fabric was stretchy, so I was able to use my judgement and exact proportions weren't required. 
It made up beautifully and just to add a little touch to the pink I embellished the back with an organza bow.
Happily, the gift fitted just right. 
Now - think I have enough left for something for myself!
Happy sewing
Linda x


  1. What a lovely friend you are, she must have been delighted with such a thoughtful gift. I also enjoyed reading about your trip to Barry's Fabric Market, my husband will be delighted that we live nowhere near it, but I wish.....

    1. Hi Josie.
      Thank you for your comments. I'm glad you enjoyed reading about Barry's. My husband is also delighted we live nowhere near it, but I always manage to find a fabric shop on our travels.
